• Balenciaga dress, 1967. Photo courtesy of Balenciaga Archives, Paris.
  • Sketch of a 1946 dress and bolero. Photo courtesy of Christian Berard/Vogue.
  • Dress and stole featured in Vogue, 1952.
    Photo courtesy of Frances McLaughlin-Gill/Vogue.
  • The famed “Infanta” dress, 1939. Photo courtesy of Staley/Wise Gallery, NYC.
  • Flamenco-inspired dress, 1951. Photo courtesy of Henry Clarke/Vogue.

Fashion lovers, take note. Balenciaga: Spanish Master, an exhibition examining the impact of Spanish culture on the legendary designer, opens today at Queen Sofia Spanish Institute in New York. Conceived by Oscar de la Renta and curated by Vogue‘s Hamish Bowles, the show features more than 70 Balenciaga designs, including such iconic pieces as the 1939 “Infanta” gown and the 1967 four-point silk gazar dress which is as groundbreaking today as it was more than 40 years ago.