Philip Crangi and Darren Spaziani are the power couple of accessories design. They’re also hopelessly in love.

We have been together…
Three and a half years.
Best gift…
Darren: A gold railroad spike Philip forged himself.
Philip: Darren gave me a signed first edition of Christopher Isherwood’s Goodbye to Berlin for Christmas last year — it was the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given me.
The first time I saw him, I thought…
Darren: “Trouble, but I can handle him!”
Philip: “He’s trouble! And very cute….”
What we like to do together…
Darren: I enjoy having lazy weekends. We’ve created an oasis in our apartment where we can really close ourselves off from the world and just potter around.
Philip: I love traveling with Darren — we’ve both always liked to travel and I think we do it really well together, which is lucky.
What we don’t like to do together…
Darren: I don’t like to argue which is good because we rarely do.
Philip: I agree!
What’s your best gift story? Join the conversation on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram: #ToryFall13