Whats Your Sign? Leo

We’re entering the fire sign of Leo (July 22nd – August 22nd) this week. Find out what this period brings with some intel from our very own astrology expert Susie Cox.

Happy Birthday, grand Leo! This is a great time for you because of Jupiter being in Leo for more than a year. Lucky you! Think big, act big and expect huge opportunities! This is your year, Leo!

On August 16th Mercury enters your sign of Virgo and will be there until September 1st. Make your Virgo to-do-list now so you can be ready for your fabulous projects during those dates.

Finally, finally, Mars will leave Libra on July 25th. It’s been playing havoc in your life since December last year. Very quickly wrap up any unfinished business in your love life before that date… or it might not end.

Now it’s your turn for Mars, dear Scorpio. From July 27th – September 14th, Mars will be in your sign. Warning: Mars is a bit intense in Scorpio, so be prepared. You will want to get to the bottom of everything and toss all that isn’t necessary.

This entire month will be very stimulating for you, philosophically. You will just see things differently than you did before. Open your mind to new possibilities and they will present themselves to you.

Your sign of Capricorn is usually very appropriate. But on August 8th, you might have a run in with an authority figure, bigger than you. The next day, on August 9th, you will understand why it all happened.

The full moon is in Aquarius on Sunday, August 10th. In addition, there are three planets in Leo, which writes a recipe for an outrageously fun time. Get a little wild, dear Aquarius. You know you want to and this is the perfect time!

Pisces are usually creative, but you have a window in time that is quite extraordinary. On August 12th and 13th, the muses will be talking to you loudly. Please listen to them and you will be amazed at your inspired genius.

You will be blessed with the gift of persuasion on August 6th, August 14th and 15th. Use those dates to talk your boss into a big raise. Male or female, you will show people your swagger.

You will be put in the center of a family situation this month. A feud that has been brewing for decades will surface and you will be the savior. Lucky you.

Mercury isn’t retrograde anymore and will leave your sign of Gemini on July 13th. With so many planets in Leo now, your mind will be stimulated and will want to think big. Let your ideas expand and you will be so glad.

Mercury is in your sign until August 1st, so get caught up with correspondence before then. Venus leaves Cancer on August 12th — make sure you do all your personal pampering before then. You won’t be as much in the mood after mid-August.