The Internship:
Photographed by Noa Griffel at’s New York office


Every Fashion Week, all eyes turn to to read — for some, with baited breath — fashion show reviews, the latest news and interviews. And it’s pretty much required reading every other week of the year, too. At the helm is Executive Editor Nicole Phelps, at left wearing Tory’s Trudy sweater and Manda dress, who imparts her words of wisdom on her assistant Lindsay Peoples (and us).

Nicole Phelps, Executive Editor

Advice I give to interns…
You’re here to learn, so be open to everything, and hold onto each and every contact you make.

One anecdote from my own internship experience…
It was in public relations at a book publisher. I was in college, intimidated and a bit bored, too. Interns are a lot of work for their supervisors, another reason why it’s important to be willing to do anything.

If I could intern anywhere now, I’d intern…
For the writers on my favorite TV shows. I’ve never experienced collaborative writing like that, and I think it’d be a kick to try, or at least to watch. Scary, but fun.

Ambition is…
My husband and I fantasize about writing a hit young adult novel. That, and a bathroom with double sinks!

Lindsay Peoples, Freelance Market Assistant

Working with Nicole is…
Such an honor. It’s not often that you get to work with someone who is so respected and knowledgeable in the industry.

Most fun I’ve had on the job…
Coming up with new ideas. Before, I worked on the print side of editorial, so it’s been fun to learn things about online presence.

Biggest lesson learned so far…
Take initiative, even if you’re hesitant.

Ambition is…
Passion and hard work in harmony