• Lake Lashaway, 2014
  • Midnight Special, 2014
  • Devil Winds 1, 2015
  • Black Dress, 2015
  • Sun and the Moon 1, 2013
  • Water Carriers, 2013
  • Wise Blood, 2015

Here’s a new talent you need to know, stat: the New York-based Anna Topuriya, whose paintings are a cool collision of color, craft and wanderlust. Get to know her here.

My interest in art began when…
I drew and painted incessantly as a kid and my parents encouraged it. My aunt was a textile artist and my father weaved tapestries.

Subjects I’m most drawn to…
I’m at a place with my work where all of my subject matter is personal and narrative. I’m guessing that will grow and change over time.

My very first art love…

My art influences and inspirations…
I grew up in Los Angeles and I have always been drawn to the works of artists who came out of the West Coast. The California landscape also works its way into my pieces.

Favorite room in a museum…
I like the programs at the Hammer. Every floor of the new Whitney is inspiring.

Artist who changed the way I see the world…
Sister Corita Kent’s work really taught me how to take in my surroundings.

Must-read art sites/publications…
Mousse magazine.

And favorite accounts to follow on Instagram…
I love all of the NASA accounts. In particular @stationcdrkelly and his hashtag #yearinspace.

When I get the artist equivalent of writer’s block…
I don’t consider it a block. There are times when I’m less enthusiastic about a project. I take it as a sign to reevaluate my focus and approach, or an opportunity to experiment. Breaks can be important.

A good work of art should always…

Follow Anna Topuriya on Instagram.