Not everyone is a life-long devotee of the work-out circuit. Just ask Marina Larroude, who started her wellness regimen after her second child was born. But the busy Fashion and Accessories Director at Teen Vogue has struck a perfect balance that keeps her happy and healthy, one that includes a varied regimen and finding the most peaceful, beautiful paths in Central Park.

My motivation mantra…
Wake up and do it! It will give you much more energy through the day.I started running because…
I had my son in 2013, and a year later to the day, I started exercising. I needed to be back in shape. I hadn’t exercised for the past 10 years and a friend who knew me for a very long time told me I needed to exercise. I had a beach trip scheduled with friends, too, so the combination of these two things made me start. I joined the gym close to my house; whenever there were classes, I would do them. When they didn’t have classes, I would use the treadmill! Then when I got the hang of it, it was spring time, so I started my adventure in Central Park.

What I love about it…
I have two kids at home and I manage a team at the office that I called “my other kids.” At home my kids need my attention; at the office my other kids need me, too. I find my exercising is my “me” time. And it reminds me when I was a kid and could play outside all day with friends.

Favorite place and time of day to run…
I love Central Park. I know it so well. I know when to expect a hill, I know how long it will take me to finish the run, I love seeing the active people, the unexpected wind, the nature… I prefer early in the morning, 6:30 AM. The park opens to cars at 7 AM, so you have a good half hour of just people. It’s quiet and peaceful, right in the middle of the city! My favorite spot is the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir. It amazes me every time I go.

My advice for the new runner…
Set up a plan. You can start with 30 minutes, three minutes running, one minute walking… See how far you go. Then push yourself for an extra 1/2 mile… keep adding. Download the Nike App, it will guide you through your run. Try Mile High Run Club — it’s amazing! And my savior during winter months.When I’m running I listen to…
Brazilian music! I love Brazilian Carnival music — it gives me that extra push for my run and is so cheerful!

My other sport obsessions…
SLT, which is Pilates with cardio. I do that twice a week. It really changed my body. Fhitting Room, which is high-intensity training, and now I’m addicted to hot yoga. I read Tracy Anderson say in an interview that, ideally, someone needs to exercise six days a week. So I’m trying to follow that lead.

My favorite sport growing up…
Biking or swimming. I was active and playing outside all the time. But I wasn’t a sports person. Now sports are a big part of my life.

My health drink and snack of choice…
Green juice from Blue Dog Café. At the office I drink three green teas a day, and my snack is always a fruit.

I define wellness as…
Eating healthy and exercising. I like to take care of my body so I can be strong and healthy for my kids in the future.

Follow Marina Larroude on Instagram.

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