Today, the Tory Burch Foundation launches a global initiative to celebrate ambition. Inspired by Tory’s personal experience as a woman and an entrepreneur, #EmbraceAmbition aims to address the double standard that exists around ambition, which is often seen as a great attribute in men and as a negative in women.

Forty years since the beginning of the modern women’s rights movement, the numbers associated with women’s parity with men in the workplace are still appallingly low. Only four percent of CEOs in Fortune 500 companies are women and, similarly, women hold less than 20 percent of board seats. In government, the numbers are no different. Women make up only 17 percent of Congress and only five percent of the countries in the world have elected a woman as a head of state.

We can change this.

Take a digital pledge to #EmbraceAmbition, challenge friends to do the same and share your ambitions on social media. You won’t be alone. Check out the video above, featuring leaders from a diverse range of industries — business, philanthropy, sports, fashion and entertainment — for others who have pledged to do the same.

Learn about the #EmbraceAmbition campaign.