Photograph via Belletrist
Emma Roberts’ passion for the written letter goes beyond the spoken word: the actress is also an insatiable bookworm. So much so that she recently cofounded an online book club. Dubbed Belletrist, after the 17th-century French word for someone who writes beautifully, the club appropriately launched with queen-of-the-beautiful-phrase Joan Didion, and her latest, South and West. In fact, Belletrist’s picks thus far have all showcased women writers: among them, Ariel Levy and her buzzy memoir The Rules Do Not Apply, Julie Butin’s lauded debut novel Marlena, and this month’s choice, the reissue of Sex and Rage by Sixties Los Angeles icon Eve Babitz. Given that Roberts cites Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier and Bonjour Tristesse by Françoise Sagan as her favorite books of all time, we predict more love for the female voice in upcoming months…