Discarded televisions on sidewalks. Parked cars. Cigarette butts. Curtained windows. Windows with venetian blinds. Windows next to windows…

We pass by these things every day. They’re the backdrop to our lives — items so ubiquitous, they’re invisible. We see an unfurled garden hose blocking a street and we sidestep it, without thinking about or even seeing it really. In his latest book, Likes, Andy Spade turns this day-to-day background noise into wondrous works of art, with nothing more than an iPhone and the potent power of the crop.

Likes features a compilation of Spade’s Instagram photos, each marked by its number of likes. A basket on the floor gets 859 hearts; a single red Croc floating on water, 258. What’s delightful is the way Spade reframes the ordinary and commonplace. He refocuses our eye, transforming a humble garden hose into a museum-worthy squiggle — artist Damián Ortega’s loopy sculptures come to mind — while a pair of latex gloves abandoned in an old sink could double as a still from a Sixties French film. “As a photographer,” writes JP Williams in the afterword, “Andy Spade has accomplished what all artists desire: to make us see.”

Branding and advertising guru Spade, frequent flipper of scripts, flips the script once more with Likes. He’s given us a new (old) way to consume Instagram’s digital domain, as a beautifully bound, 422-page book.