Windows of the World, the Paris edition, photographed by André Vicente Gonçalves

This holiday season, we’re celebrating the excitement of reuniting with family and friends with our Coming Home campaign — which is why the work of Portuguese photographer André Vicente Gonçalves recently caught our eye. We’re mad for his architectural series, in which he photographs windows and doors around the world, curating them into colorful grid-like mosaics. In cataloguing those seemingly mundane objects — just ask yourself, how many have you passed by today without a second thought? — Vicente Gonçalves is able to capture the charm and personality of a city, a country, a culture. Born on the coast in Santo Isidoro, Mafra, and now based between Lisbon and Évora, the lensman is currently working on a book, which he’s self-publishing with crowdsourced funds. He took some time out from his travels to talk to us here.

The inspiration behind my series…
I was inspired by the genius of architects throughout history that, through every era, have dazzled with their ability to transcend the status quo to achieve timeless beauty coupled with efficient design.

And I first began it when…
I was in Erasmus in Trento, Italy. I started traveling more frequently and noticed how different the windows and doors are from city to city. I had captured a lot of doors during that period in the Alps, Trento and Venice. The project then started taking shape when I put them side by side.

Doors of the World, England, photographed by André Vicente Gonçalves
One surprising thing I learned while working on this series…
Discovering distinctive identities of different cities, with their own design aesthetic.My favorite door group is…
The one from Portugal — maybe because it’s my home country.Doors from my native Portugal are…
Modest but vibrant, with traditional tiles decorating the walls.

Doors of the World, Portugal, photographed by André Vicente Gonçalves
The photography bug first bit when…
I was young. I was living in a protected natural park and started photographing insects and landscapes.First thing I ever photographed…
A landscape with a forest.My shooting style…
I’m very technical when I’m photographing. I like everything to be consistent and straight.

Doors of the World, Romania, photographed by André Vicente Gonçalves
My camera of choice…
I use a Canon 5Ds R at the moment. The high megapixel count of the camera allows me to make great prints with high details.Favorite subjects to photograph…
The small details that we don’t usually care about, giving them a different meaning.To me, the phrase “coming home” means…
That feeling of a place where we always return, the feeling of affinity and belonging.


Doors of the World, Spain, photographed by André Vicente Gonçalves