Debbie Harry poses for a portrait in March 1977 on a hill beneath the Hollywood Sign in Los Angeles, California. Photograph by Richard Creamer/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

Come one, come all — it’s Cancer season (June 21st – July 22nd) and change is in the air. Keep scrolling to discover your horoscope by Astrologer — and Tory Daily contributor — Suzie Cox.

Happy Birthday, sweet Cancer! This will be an important birthday for you since there will be an Eclipse of the Sun in your sign of Cancer on July 2nd. When your birthday combines with an Eclipse, it usually means a change is going to occur in your life. But it won’t just appear . . . you are in charge of what will change. What are you done with so you can start fresh?

Mercury will be doing a retrograde this month in Leo from July 7th – 31st. A retrograde is the perfect time to rethink, reflect and redo. What are some old patterns that you want to release? Focus on what is bothering you the most first and then tackle the smaller things. If you carry your typical Leo confidence with you, everything will fall into place as it usually does. You are amazing.

The second week in July is your power time this month. Plan to have important meetings then because the planets of authority figures are harmonious with your Virgo Sun then. Do your homework and be very prepared so you can impress them with your knowledge. You will be in charge.

You will have the opportunity to meet new friends during mid-July. These contacts will be very influential in the world as well as in your life. At first, you might be a little intimidated, but right away you get comfortable with them. Why are you being drawn towards each other? It’s important to both of you.

On July 10th, you’ll likely have a heated interaction with someone that will not be comfortable. But the resolve will quickly occur the following day on July 11th. Even though the process wasn’t easy, the final result will be much better and all parties will be satisfied. Be strong and say exactly what you want to happen.

Sagittarius is the traveler of the Zodiac and there is a perfect date this next month for a quick getaway. The weekend of July 12th is your time. Choose a new destination that you have wanted to try but haven’t had the time, or maybe the courage, to visit. Now is the time to be extra adventurous. Be extravagant.

The Full Moon this month is in your sign, dear Cap. But this isn’t just a normal Full Moon but is a Lunar Eclipse and will happen on July 16th. You won’t see it unless you are in South America or the Pacific Ocean, but you will feel it no matter where you live. This is your month to change as much as you can in all areas. Be bold and release what you don’t want to bring with you in the next phase of your life.

There are several planets going through you house of health and wellbeing now. This would be a good month to start your new exercise regime and look at your lifestyle. Are you running around endlessly or are you starting to take some time for yourself? You will realize how important you are this month and will likely make some changes for the better.

The weekend of July 20th is your time to join with family and friends for a celebration gathering. Invite people you haven’t seen in a long time for lots of reminiscing of old times. Create a cozy environment with lots of good food. New friends will also be made. Tell people how much you care about them.

As an Aries, you like to change things up quite often and this is one of those times. If you have been interested in doing some renovations on your house . . . do it this summer. A good time to start is the end of June you will soon see that everything will fall into place easier than you expected. It will feel so good to have it done.

The end of July will bring an unexpected event for you. It will be a surprise but won’t rock you too much. Being a Taurus, you like things stable, but the unpredictable planet Uranus is now in your sign and will usher in a phase of excitement. Even though it will be exciting, it won’t be more than you can handle. Actually, it will free some things in your life that wanted to change.

The planet Venus will be in your sign of Gemini until July 4th, so to use her energy right, see how much fun you can have between now and then. Venus likes to socialize, get beautiful, indulge and generally have a great time. If you are inclined to do some shopping, please do. Venus will bless you with good deals.


蟹座の皆さん、お誕生日おめでとうございます! 7月2日に蟹座で日食があり、今年の誕生日は特別なものになるはず。日食と誕生日が重なるとき、人生に変化が起こることが多く見られます。でもそれはひとりでに起こるのではありません…何がどう変わるのか、鍵を握るのはあなた自身。果たして、何とおさらばすれば、新しいスタートを切れるかしら?










