Halima Aden and Tory Burch at the 2020 Embrace Ambition Summit. Photo by Craig Barritt/Getty Images.
There was no shortage of optimism or inspiration yesterday at Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Frederick P. Rose Hall, where 1,200 people gathered – and innumerable more tuned in via livestream — to watch Tory and a panoply of guests meet to engage in a conversation that Tory has been spearheading for years. Hosted by The Tory Burch Foundation, the 2020 Embrace Ambition Summit comprised six sessions with leaders from the business, entertainment, and social justice worlds, each with a fresh and illuminating take on empowering women.
“Becoming an entrepreneur was a dream, but my true ambition has always been to help other women,” Tory told the audience. “I started a company to create a foundation that gives women entrepreneurs a valuable career — the confidence to dream, capital to build, and the community to grow, and I am happy to say that is just what our foundation has been doing since it launched in 2009.”
People on stage included Civil Rights hero Claudette Colvin, the lesser-sung precursor to Rosa Parks; environmental activist Sylvia Earle, whose organization Mission Blue works to protect portions of the oceans; anti-sexual harassment trailblazers Gretchen Carlson and Ashley Judd; and celebrated writer and feminist organizer Gloria Steinem. They were joined by additional visionaries young and old, legendary and up-and-coming, female and male — all united by a commitment to leading the way for a fairer and brighter future, and to keep challenging stereotypes and redefining norms. Below are a few key moments:




出演者として、ローザ・パークスの知られざる先駆者である公民権運動の英雄、クローデット・コルヴィン、「ミッション・ブルー」を設立し、海洋とその野生生物の保護活動をしている環境活動家のシルビア・アール、セクハラ問題に対する先駆者のグレッチェン・カールソンとアシュレイ・ジャッド、 そして著名な作家でフェミニズム運動の活動家であるグロリア・スタイネムが登場しました。 彼らには、明確なビジョンを持ったさまざまな年代の人たち、有名な新進気鋭の男女が賛同しました。すべては、より公平で明るい未来への道を先導し、固定概念を打破し、新機軸を打ち立てるという強い信念によって結ばれました。 以下はその決定的瞬間です。

Deborah Roberts and Gloria Steinem at the 2020 Embrace Ambition Summit. Photo by Erica Schroeder.

Jason Bolden, Tory Burch and Diane von Furstenberg. Photo by Noa Griffel.

Yola performing at the 2020 Embrace Ambition Summit. Photo by Tiffany Sage.