Nobody comes beteeen Brooke Shields and her dreams—especially not her mother. Photo by Jack Mitchell/Getty Images.
April 20th is finally here—the 16789th day of 2020 and the start of Taurus season. Now more than ever it’s important to practice one of this star sign’s greatest strengths: patience. Happy birthday, bulls! We’re all making history, and we promise your Zoom party will be one for the books.


Happy Birthday, sweet Taurus. This
will be an exciting birthday month for you! Uranus, the planet of change, is in your sign now and will be probably bringing you new opportunities. If you feel like upgrading your life, this is the birthday to do that. Look at a new haircut or color and buy some new clothes. You know you want to . . . so do it.


Venus is in Gemini now and will be doing a retrograde starting on May 13th. This is your month to rethink your creativity. Venus is all about art, music and beauty. Oh yes, Love too. All of these areas in your life are up for new beginnings now. If you are happy, stay the same. If not, make changes.


The North Node, or point of destiny, has been in your sign of Cancer since November 2018. This is the last month it will be in Cancer for 19 years, so now is your time to finish what you started about 1 ½ years ago. It could be relating to family or your home. Or it could be you growing personally to come into your own. Are
you there yet? If not, now is your time to get there.


The main theme for you this month will be relationships. Don’t be surprised if there are some surprises with others in your life. Your challenge will be to stay joyous even if others aren’t in a good mood. They need to express their independence and it doesn’t really involve you.


This will be an excellent month for you, Virgo. There are many planets in earth signs that are supporting your Taurus Sun now. Focus on business, money and structuring your near future. Make a business plan for the next two years and you will be
ahead of your game.


This will be a fun month for you, sweet Libra. You will be in the mood for trying something new and exciting. Yes, you can get as wild as your Libra will allow. This experience will involve others, so choose who you want to spend time with this month. Pick exciting, open-minded and creative people.


The Full Moon will happen in Scorpio on May 7th. The Sun is right next to Mercury, so this is a good Full Moon to reach out and communicate to those you love. Many Scorpio Full Moons have a feeling of privacy, but this one will bring you out of your Scorpio shell.


With all the Taurus planets going through your house of wellness, this is a month to make sure your exercise routine is what you want. If you are bored or not happy, switch things up a bit. Grab a workout buddy or hire a trainer. Your body will thank you.


Saturn has just left your sign of Capricorn after having been there since December 22nd, 2017. Are you feeling a little lighter? You should be finally taking a deep breath and you can relax your spirit a little bit. Saturn won’t be in Capricorn for another 30 years, so you have done your work for now. Yes, Pluto will still be in Cap until 2023, but at least Saturn is gone.


You can welcome both Mars and Saturn to your sign of Aquarius! Mars is all about action and Saturn makes serious decisions, so now is your time to focus on you and move forward in your life. Saturn will be in Aquarius for 2 ½ years and will bring a maturity to you that will make you feel secure.


Mid-April is your power time this month. Your Pisces will be at its very best and will bring brilliant creative impulses. If you are in the mood to do some art or create a masterpiece, this is your time. You will be surprised at how amazing you are!


Mercury will be in Aries from April 11th-27th. Since Mercury is the planet of communication and intelligence, this is your time to connect with others. Get caught up on your emails and correspondence. You might even want to clean out your office, which always feels good.

























