Wealth, status, power: Arianna Huffington had it all when, in 2007, she collapsed. As she made the rounds to doctors, imagining the worst, it became clear that this physical breakdown was not caused by illness but exhaustion. So, Huffington, a media titan at the helm of a self-made news empire, came to ask herself: At what cost are we sacrificing all else in our lives, from health and personal happiness to relationships and spiritual fulfillment, in order to achieve success? In effect, what is a truly good life?
She explores the answer in her new book, Thrive. By understanding the true value of family, friendship, kindness and giving back, she says we will gain a new perspective on what success looks like and, hopefully, enjoy the road of life a little more. It’s a simple truth that all children seem to innately understand — that it’s not just okay, but necessary, to stop and smell the roses.