After co-founding eyewear company Warby Parker with three of his classmates, Jeff Raider, left, teamed up with another friend, Andy Katz-Mayfield, right, to tackle the men’s grooming market. Here the duo, who partnered on shaving start-up Harry’s, talk the rewards and challenges of running a business.
A vertically integrated men’s grooming brand that makes shaving products and sells them directly to guys online.
And the inspiration behind it…
A bad experience that Andy had trying to buy razor blades. After driving to a drugstore and finally tracking down a sales clerk to unlock a glass case, the blades that Andy was eventually able to purchase were overpriced and over-designed. Frustrated, he called Jeff: “There has to be a better way.” And so Harry’s was born.
We named Harry’s after…
Influential guys in our own lives.
Most exciting part about owning your own business…
The opportunity to build a company with values.
And most challenging part…
The knowledge that lots of people — in NYC and in Eisfeld, Germany — depend on you.
We overcame the above with…
The support of a great team of friends and investors who encouraged us to be clear in our vision and trust our instincts.
When starting a company you must…
Focus a ton of energy on building an amazing team — surround yourself with people who are smarter than you.
Never be afraid to…
Put a stake in the ground and have a clear opinion. Even if you’re wrong, at least you’re learning.
Best career advice received…
“Do what makes you happy” — Jeff’s mom
Insider tip for the perfect shave…
Take a nice long shower before shaving. Running your face under warm water (as hot as you can handle) really helps to hydrate those whiskers and soften them up before you get shaving. No soap necessary! Then map your facial hair’s pattern and always shave with the grain. This reduces the chances of ingrown hairs and razor bumps.