Joanna Hillman, Harper’s Bazaar’s Style Director, heads north (way, way north) to find some R&R during the fall, to her parents’ idyllic — nay, fairytale-like — farm in Uxbridge, Ontario.

I get to see my parents and brothers (who live in Toronto but come up when I’m home). But it is also very serene and rejuvenating being in nature — it couldn’t feel further from my Tribeca apartment. The house is on 10 acres of what used to be a Christmas tree farm, but now, since my parents let the trees grow over the years, is a majestic forest.
My uniform here is…
Oversized sweaters, fur-lined boots and my Canada Goose parka (it is Canada after all and gets seriously frosty) in the winter.
Countryside living is all about…
Being cozy and well-fed.
During the day, I will…
Go on a daily hike with our family and mascot, a Norwich Terrier named Charlie, cook while listening to oldies like Sam Cooke, maybe see an afternoon flick, dinner with plenty of wine with family and friends. I also love sitting by the fire after dinner and having my nightly bath before drifting off to sleep.
At night, I will…
Cook a feast, sit around the table drinking and telling stories, watch Netflix. Every Christmas we all pile on my mom’s old fur coats from the early Nineties and walk in the dark through the woods with our drinks in tow.
Bath oils and salts, faux fur throw, cashmere socks, a proper “tuque” (Canadian for knit hat), family dessert recipes like my mom’s famous mundel-bread, movie tickets.
Our playlist includes…
Van Morrison, Sam Cooke, Bob Dylan, Neil Young.
Favorite fall eats…
Pierogi and cabbage rolls (Polish heritage — a Thanksgiving and Christmas tradition), beef tenderloin roast with root vegetables, mulled wine, apple crisp with vanilla ice cream.