Fashion Love: Marie Claire’s Zanna Roberts Rassi & Milk Studios’ Mazdack Rassi

When you’re juggling twin toddlers and twin high-powered fashion careers like Zanna Roberts Rassi and Mazdack Rassi, you make time for the stolen romantic moments whenever and wherever. Here, Zanna, Marie Claire’s Senior Fashion Editor and E! News Fashion Correspondent, and Mazdack, a partner and Creative Director at Milk Studios, share why they work.
We have been together since…
MR: Oct 1st, 1948. I mean, 2004.
Best date…
ZRR: Rome, 2005. I was there on a press trip for British Marie Claire and Rassi just showed up at my hotel (we did the New York – London thing for two years before I moved to United States). We ate the finest burrata and drank delish cabernet on the Spanish Steps. We walked for miles listening to Ennio Morricone with one headphone each and ended up on the Ponte Sant’Angelo. Maybe it was the wine, maybe the twinkly lights, but I suppose that was the point I knew.
Best gift…
MR: For my 40th, Zanna surprised me with a stay at Skywalker Ranch in California. I am a big Star Wars fan. It’s not open for the public so I have no idea how she wrangled it.
ZRR: Our twin baby girls, Rumi and Juno.
What we like to do together…
Play with our babies, watch them laugh and teach them, eat rotisserie chicken, renovate our country house, watch House of Cards, eat at the Waverly Inn with friends, drink good red.
What we don’t like to do together…
Go home early.
The first time I saw him/her, I thought…
MR: “I’m gonna marry her.”
ZRR: “He’s really cute. But he talks a lot.”
The secret to finding time alone when you have infant twins…
In the shower.