Dolly Parton, photographed by Harry Benson, in Nashville in 1976

“Just because I’m blonde, don’t think I’m dumb,” coos Dolly Parton in the opening song on Hello, I’m Dolly, her debut album in 1967. “‘Cause this dumb blonde ain’t nobody’s fool.”

And Parton certainly isn’t. But anyone who knows that Parton is a Capricorn, born on January 19th, and that Capricorns are — as astrologer Susie Cox writes in her book Susie’s Sun Signs — “the most driven and dedicated of all the zodiac signs” could have told you that. After all, this is someone who pulled herself up from a stone-broke childhood in the rural Smoky Mountains to become a top-selling country icon (with her own theme park to boot). You don’t get there by luck; it takes hard work and fire-in-the-belly ambition.

“Capricorns are astrology’s overachievers and will work until they reach their goals,” Cox continues, highlighting their natural sense of clout. “Halfway just won’t cut it…. Capricorns have a plan, and their goal is to do it, whatever it is!”

In talking about her past and how she wrote her first songs at five and recorded her first single at 10, Parton once told The Washington Post that she “was born with a God-given talent, something I recognized very, very early and started usin’…” She adds, later in the 1978 interview, “I knew I had to do somethin’ in life and that I would do it.”

Sound familiar?

But Parton does stray from the Capricorn pack in one regard. While “Capricorns all pay attention to their appearance and always want to look good,” Cox notes that their fashion sense tends towards the conservative and the classic: “No wild colors or patterns for this earth sign.”

To discover your horoscope from Cox, now that we’re in the earth sign of Capricorn (December 22nd – January 21st), keep reading.

Happy Birthday, Capricorn! It’s the time for Mercury retrograde again and it’s going backwards in your sign of Capricorn this time. Mercury will be retrograde from January 5th to the 26th. Finish any old business deals, dear Capricorn. Then you will be ready for your new projects in 2016!

The first week in January you are going to feel reborn. This is a great year for a strong New Year’s resolution that can actually work. Look at the big picture when you’re setting your goals.

Your power dates are January 12th and 13th when your intuition will be spot on. Trust that you will know exactly what to do during those important days. You will likely discover a hidden ally who has been helping you from behind the scenes.

Initiating projects is what Aries does best. This is one of those times in your life for a new and exciting mission. Watch for a sudden inspiration from January 14th and 16th. You don’t have to do this one alone as you will have a team to help you.

In mid-January there is a perfect triangle of planets in earth signs, which will benefit your Taurus Sun. This will be an excellent financial and business time for you. Think big!

Saturn is opposing your usually bouncy and talkative Sun in Gemini now. Don’t feel bad if you’re not as social as normal. This is your time to attend to wrapping up the old in your life. Get rid of all that paperwork you’re saving. You’ll never need it again.

The Full Moon occurs in your sign of Cancer right on Christmas day. Cancer is the sign of family, food and sentiment and is perfect for this holiday. Even if you’re not hosting a party, make a wonderful dish of food for everyone. Keywords for this Christmas: cozy, comfy and loving.

Take some time off between Christmas and New Year this year. Leo is in favor for that week. Do things just for you. You deserve it and know you want it. A little pampering might be nice, dear Leo?

The Moon will be in Virgo the last few days of 2015 leading up to New Year’s Eve. You might feel like being more private this year and pass on that wild party. Instead you might want to focus on your intentions for the coming year.

The first three days of 2016 will be very powerful for you. Both the Moon and Mars join in Libra, giving you an extra boost of activity on those days. This is perfect if one of your resolutions for the New Year is to get more fit and work out.

Mars will be in your sign of Scorpio from January 3rd and March 5th. The next two months will be your power time to move forward. You will need to be in charge as much as possible as bosses or authority figures will annoy you now.

Both Saturn and Venus are in your sign of Sagittarius now. This is a serious time for you to put your feet down and stand your ground. You will feel stronger now than you have for a long time. Are you where you want to be now?