
Photographed by George Hoyningen-Huene
We’re celebrating Libras this month, and here’s what astrology expert Susie Cox has to say about this air sign best symbolized by the scales. “Libra is the sign of the artist or at least the art appreciator,” she writes in her book Susie’s Sun Signs. “To make you happy, surround yourself with lovely works of art, beautiful fabrics and enticing fragrances. Libra has the keenest sense of smell in the zodiac, so always have your favorite essential oils handy. Loving leisure, be sure to do plenty of lounging around in silk pajamas doing not much of anything but looking beautiful…. Always beautifully coiffed, [Libras] slowly glide across the floor as if they were walking on an invisible cloud.”

Any wonder why we choose the ever-regal editor Diana Vreeland, born September 29th, as our Libra personality of the month? For more on that keen sense of smell, read our interview with her grandson Alexander, who shared that, “My grandmother lived in a very olfactory world — she loved perfumes, scented candles, potpourri, incense. She actually put perfume into the air-conditioning ducts at The Met [where she was the Special Consultant for the Costume Institute]. She just couldn’t imagine a life without scent. When people describe visiting her, they talk about getting off the elevator and succumbing to the smell pouring out of her room.”

To discover what the month of Libra (September 23 – October 22) brings to you, keep reading the below horoscopes from Cox.

Happy Birthday, romantic Libra! Not only is this your birthday month, but the benevolent planet, Jupiter, is also in Libra to bring you extra good luck. Jupiter will be with you for one entire year, which is a great reason to celebrate!

Venus will enter Scorpio on September 24th and will remain there until October 18th. This is the time to pamper yourself with luxurious experiences. Maybe a massage or spa day is in the stars for you soon.

Mars will move out of Sagittarius on September 27th, so you only have a few more days to complete the projects you’ve started recently. Finish them with a bang and you will be right on track.

Your power dates this month are October 7th to 9th. The Moon, Mars and Pluto will all join on those days to give you a strong, almost invincible attitude that will take you far. Plan to have important meetings happen on those days.

Mid October will be the most social time of this next month for you. Aquarius likes to be around people, but not all the time. So plan to be out and about then and you will feel in the mood. It’s all about the right timing.

You will feel extra dreamy or inspired from October 12th to 14th as the Moon joins Neptune and the South Node. Meditation, art, creativity and inner knowing are all favored. Take lots of naps and download new wisdom.

The Full Moon occurs in your sign of Aries on Saturday, October 15th, which is a special time for you. This only happens once a year and is a great time to give yourself a weekend off… just to celebrate you!

There is a perfect triangle in earth signs happening mid-October that is beneficial to your Taurus Sun. You will feel strong, stable and ready to tackle any project that gets thrown your way.

Your power dates will be October 19th and 20th, when you will be the ultimate problem solver in a sticky situation. No one else will be able to figure out the puzzle except for you. Gemini will save the day!

This will likely be a relationship month for you. There will be distant relatives or past loves who will re-enter your life. The question will be… what to do with them now?

The last week in September will bring some surprises to you. Be prepared to be flexible and go with the flow and try not to control what happens. It will have a mind of its own and will work out just right.

Mercury has been retrograde in your sign and just went direct. Did you get a lot organized during the retrograde? If not, you can still use that Virgo energy to complete it.