As Capricorns, Kate Moss, Betty White, Michelle Obama, Muhammad Ali and Martin Luther King, Jr. are all celebrating their birthdays in the upcoming month. Here, our astrology expert Susie Cox tells us what we can expect under this sign (December 21st – January 19th).
Happy Birthday, Capricorn! This is an important birthday month for you, because Mercury is retrograding in Capricorn now. Mercury will be going backwards from December 15th – January 8th. Use this time to rethink your life with bold New Years Resolutions.
You still have Venus in your sign of Aquarius until January 4th, so ta,e time to do something special for yourself. This is a great time for some extra pampering in a sweet Venus style.
Early in January there will be a big party of planets in Pisces, including the Moon. Even after the Moon leaves, you will have a grouping of planets for you. This is a great time for you to be inspired and look at the upcoming year. Plan your future during early January.
Your power dates this month are January 4th – 6th. Your Aries loves to start new things regularly and these days will be a jolt for you to move forward. It might be a little startling, but know you can handle it and actually you’re ready for a new beginning.
This will be the month to socialize with friends. You love your friends, but they might be in a bit of a mess and will need your help. Of course, you will have the perfect words to soothe them.
The first week in January is your time to focus and plan for your New Year. This will be a great start to 2017 for you. Plan on something new for this year and you will be happy you did.
The Full Moon is in your sign of Cancer and will occur on January 12th, to start off your New Year right. Do something special for yourself, your friends and family around the Cancer Full Moon.
Mid-January is your power time this month, dear Leo. Peaking around January 14th, you will have so much energy that you will need to focus it on something large. Think Big!
There is still a large Pisces group of planets to balance your Virgo Sun. See if you can be as creative as your Virgo can manage during the two weeks in the middle of January.
Your power dates this month are January 18th and 19th. You will likely have a big surprise then that will rock your world, in a good way. It might seem shocking at first, but you will soon realize the benefits and be glad.
The Moon will be in your sign of Scorpio for Christmas Eve and Christmas. Do something extra special for yourself during those magical days. You will feel very engaged with others and will enjoy your holidays.
Your power dates this month will be the week between Christmas and New Year. You will probably want to spend some quiet time with family and friends. Also, take some time for yourself for inner reflection during that time.