For a long time wine coolers had a bad reputation, relegated to shelved cultural misses from the 1980s. But entrepreneur Jordan Salcito, wine director of Momofuku restaurants and owner of Bellus Wines, knew there was a way to revitalize them. Make them cool, even. “There was a void in the market for a fun, high-quality product made from organic ingredients that didn’t take itself too seriously,” says Salcito, who recently created Ramona wine coolers. “We want to empower people to drink better wine.” She concocted a heady mix of organic grapes and zesty pink grapefruit and tapped Cherry Bombe magazine’s creative director Claudia Wu to design its trippy, eye-catching design. And as for the name Ramona, that’s personal. “My little sister Anne-Marie renamed herself ‘Ramona’ when she was around five years old. She had become obsessed with the Beverly Cleary books. Ramona became this free-spirited, fun-loving mischievous alter-ego… Our beverage is named in honor of that spirit.”