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Thierry Chow wearing Tory’s Indie top and Margot pants, photographed by Zuice Lau in Hong Kong

Hong Kong-based Thierry Chow is translating the ancient Chinese art of feng shui for a whole new generation. Hers is a modern take, albeit one with boosted by serious know-how — she’s the daughter of famed feng shui master Chow Hon-Ming. Here, wearing Tory’s Indie top and Margot pants, Chow tells us everything we need to know to maximize our good fortune for 2017 and the Year of the Rooster.

I decided to join my father and become a feng shui apprentice because…
After I graduated with a bachelor degree in applied illustration in Canada, I went back to Hong Kong, and began working different jobs, like teaching art and working for a movie director; I realized I wanted to work on something super unique. That really pushed me to think. Suddenly it became clear to me that learning feng shui from my father is the best idea, because I can carry on my dad’s legacy. It also creates so much space and potential for me to use my creativity, like combining fashion/design with feng shui and designing modern feng shui products.

The greatest lesson I’ve learned from him is… 
That there’s so much to this world than our eyes can see.

My Lunar New Year traditions include… 
Getting a hair cut for a new year, visiting relatives and receiving Chinese red packets for good luck.

And New Year superstition I never fail to follow…
Cleaning out things I don’t need to get a good new start. And renewing furniture and decorative placements in my home/studio (for good feng shui).

Essential feng shui principles everyone should know…
It’s all about feeling connected to your surroundings and, most importantly, to feel comfortable in your own environment. The number one principle is to make sure there’s balance to everything: lighting (not too dark or too white, nice warm yellow lighting is best, good amount of windows for natural light to come in), good amount of plants, good balance of colors, patterns etc. And it is very important to feel like nothing is blocking your path; again, being comfortable is key, so the front entrance should always be bright, open and clean, and hallways should also be neat with no clutter.

To invite good health in the Year of the Rooster, I recommend…
Wearing pink! As it is a good luck color overall for the Rooster year, and can definitely invite good health.

And for love…
Decorate your home with fresh flowers, such as pink or yellow roses/daisies/lilies, as they represent hope, love and joy. Having them in your home will boost your overall mood, and help you put out a positive energy for love.

And wealth…
Place some plants in your study or work area. This will help boost your overall wellness as plants are great for health, and in feng shui plants represents career and academics.

And prosperity and success…
Find a poster of your favorite motivational character/person/celebrity who inspires you in your career, and place this in your office or work desk. This will help boost your overall luck at work and, for finance, place a cute little copper piggy bank on your work desk!

And to remove back luck, I recommend…
You can either sage your home, or light some incense at home, then meditate or treat yourself to a salt bath with your favorite candles.

One misconception about feng shui I’d like to correct…
Feng shui is not about magic or superstition; it is a creative and fun approach to interpreting and understanding our environment and how it influences us. From our sense of happiness and fulfillment to the quality of our personal and professional relationships, feng shui is about respecting what our environment provides and how we can use the potential of our surroundings to bring deeper meaning to all aspects of our lives.

To learn more about feng shui, the books/websites I’d recommend…
The I Ching is one of the most important books, and a lot of the principles in feng shui come from the I Ching. But it is important to know that it’s best to start light — learning the basics is a very good start.

Explore more features from the Lunar New Year Issue, past and present.

来自香港的 Thierry Chow (周亦彤),正努力将中国传统民间艺术“风水”介绍给新一代的年轻人。 她眼中的“风水”是传承历史的智慧,又具有现代魅力——她是著名风水大师 Chow Hon Ming (周漢明) 的女儿。现在,就让 Thierry 来告诉我们,如何利用风水,在2017年行大运吧。







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