Claudia Cardinale, in 1960, photographed by Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images.

Calling all Aries — like Italian actress Claudia Cardinale, above, who was born on April 15. Discover what this month brings now that we’re under your sign (March 20th – April 19th). Astrology expert Susie Cox explains all.

Happy birthday, feisty Aries! This is a very special month for you for personal growth. Both Mercury and Venus are doing a retrograde in Aries this month. Change as much as you can to start fresh. It might be jarring, but it will all be worth it!

Mercury will enter Taurus on April 1st and will join Mars, who is already there. You will feel so smart that you want to tell everyone about your new ideas. This is a great time for writing or new styles of communication. Maybe a new smart phone is in your stars.

Early in April will be your time to rethink your love life. Are you ready for something more steady? If you focus on a relationship, it will happen. You will likely meet someone who is fun yet also serious about you. Now is your time, dear Gemini.

During the first week in April you will be approached by family or community members who want you to help them. Your heart will be open and ready, of course. You can easily make a big impact on the world around those dates.

Your power dates this month are April 5th to 8th, when you will feel free and easy. Dress up and go out on the town and you will almost certainly meet new and very unusual friends. Do something wild, Leo! You know you want to let your hair down.

Mid-April will bring a great time for you to focus on accomplishing a mission. Try to tackle something that has been on the back burner for a long time. It will easily get taken care of and be put to bed.

The Full Moon is in your sign of Libra this month on April 10th. This will be quite an intense Full Moon and could bring surprises in relationships. Are you ready for something new and adventurous? Be prepared.

This is your month to focus on your finances, Scorpio, especially during the middle of April. It’s more than just taxes and is a great time to regroup or reorganize your money matters.

During mid-April, you will be involved in a decision that will help others. You will be the voice of reason in a strange situation, but will feel confident in the exchange. You will gain respect from both sides.

Your power dates this month are April 17th – 19th, when you will likely be confronted by an authority figure. Play it safe this month and don’t get into trouble.

Spring will start with you being involved in a humanitarian event where you will take a leadership position. What areas do you want to impact? Now is your time to find your voice and speak up.

The last week in April will bring a very creative or spiritual time for you. If you have an art or visual workshop that you want to attend, that will be the week. Your artistic power will be coming to the forefront for you to use.