Tabitha is wearing Alexander McQueen and Tabitha Simmons shoes. Photographed by Noa Griffel at the Carlyle Hotel, NYC

- 7:30 AM
- Drive kids to school.
- 9:30 AM
- Up to Vogue to do two run-throughs for shoot tomorrow
- 1:30 PM
- Getting a mani and pedi for tonight.
- 4:00 PM
- Up to Carlyle Hotel to get ready for the Met with my friend Karen Elson
- 6:30 PM
- Leave for the Met.
- 9:00 PM
- Sitting next to Jay-Z. He and Beyoncé are such lovely people. It’s a very, very fun table.
- 11:00 PM
- Heading back to Caryle to get changed
- 11:30 PM
- At the after-party at the Crown — dancing