The new Tory Burch store at Landmark Alexandra

On Wednesday, after a busy trip to Seoul with the team, Tory flew in to Hong Kong to mark the opening of our new Landmark Alexandra boutique. Here, she takes some time out to give us a preview…

What are you looking forward to on this trip?
I’m excited for our store opening party. Our New York, Hong Kong and Asia teams have thought of every detail. I won’t spoil the surprise, but we’re adding some garden elements that nod to interior designer David Hicks, who inspired our Spring 2018 collection. We also designed a special capsule, exclusive to Landmark Alexandra. It builds on our Spring offerings with a geometric floral from Hicks’s scrapbooks reimagined in a fresh palette of pastels.

What are the interiors like?
Landmark Alexandra debuts our new store design concept in Hong Kong: It’s clean and modern, with an eclectic mix of furnishings that tie back to many of the elements in my own homes, from the antique blue-and-white vases to the floral upholstery, which was inspired by my place in the West Indies. There are shell chandeliers, leopard rugs, cane tables, antique French chairs, oak panel walls and brass étagères…

Tory與同事在首爾完成繁忙工作後,星期三將飛往香港主持Landmark Alexandra 專門店開幕盛會,期間抽空為大家介紹新店的特色…

我非常期待新店開幕派對。紐約、香港及亞洲區的同事傾盡心思策劃今次活動,我不便透露詳情,活動包括了很多英式園藝的元素,與2018春夏系列靈感、英國傳奇室內設計師David Hicks的設計美學呼應。此外為迎接新店開幕,我們設計了「Landmark Alexandra系列」於新店獨家發售;別注系列與2018春夏系列一脈相承,靈感源自David Hicks的剪貼筆記本,鮮明的幾何線條及花卉圖案披上粉嫩色系,感覺清新可喜。

我們品牌的全新店舖設計概念率先於Landmark Alexandra 專門店亮相:以簡潔時尚為主調,室內陳設配搭與我家的裝飾元素呼應,例如藍白色古董花樽、精緻花卉圖案布料等都是源於我在西印度群島的度假屋,還有貝殼吊燈、豹紋地氈、藤檯、古董法式座椅、橡木壁板、黃銅層架等等…