Tory, wearing the Sophia top and walnut locket necklace, photographed by Noa Griffel
“My taste in music is eclectic. My definition of ‘the classics’ includes Vivaldi, Van Morrison and Tupac. This summer, I’ve been obsessed with New York band Public Access TV, whom we feature later this week in the issue, and French singer Zaz and Bakar from England.
“You’ll also get to know some of our editors’ favorites, too. Like Florence and the Machine’s Florence Welch, who just released a book of poetry, Useless Magic. And rapper-actress Awkwafina, who stars in summer’s hit Ocean’s 8 and is in the upcoming Crazy Rich Asians. Gwyneth Paltrow makes an appearance as our Cat’s Meow, talking about the new Broadway musical she’s producing. And we look at a book that explores the best vinyl album art, created by artists such as Barbara Kruger, Ed Ruscha, Sol LeWitt, Cy Twombly and Robert Rauschenberg.” — Tory