What do screen sirens Greta Garbo, Lauren Bacall, Sophia Loren and Peggy Lipton (above) have in common? They all Virgos (August 22nd – September 23rd), the perfectionist of the zodiac. “They instinctively know how to fine-tune something so that it’s more efficient,” explains astrologer Susie Cox in Susie’s Sun Signs. “The Virgo mind is like a trapdoor, remembering every little detail.” Below, Cox reveals what the month will bring now that we’re in that earth sign.
Happy birthday, dear Virgo! This will be a very good birthday month for you! Mental Mercury is moving through your sign from September 6th through September 21st. This is a perfect window to communicate to your friends and loved ones. Make sure to be more social during this time.
Loving Venus is still in Libra and will be there until September 9th. Venus is your ruling planet and shines in Libra. Absolutely pamper yourself during this time. Are you in the mood for new colors or art in your house? Your creativity will shine now.
You are in for quite a ride for the next four months, dear Scorpio. Venus will enter your sign on September 10th and won’t leave until January 7th. Why will it be in Scorpio so long? Venus will be doing a retrograde there. Plan for changes. More on this next month.
Mid-September will bring you some decisions to make in your life. At first you might feel confused, but the clarity will come right after some deep thoughts. Make a definite schedule to implement your ideas.
During the third week in September things will fall together on projects that you have been focusing on for quite a while. You might find yourself working with a Virgo to make sure they are exactly the way you want.
Your power dates this month are September 19th through the 22nd when the moon will join Mars to give you a boost in energy. You might be changing your mind on a situation that isn’t turning out the way you thought it would be. Trust your intuition.
Some strong Virgo planets will be opposing your Pisces from September 3rd through 16th. The Virgo energy will help you organize your thoughts about your creative projects you are working on now. Just pretend you’re a Virgo during that time and see how much you can accomplish.
You happen to have lots of serious planets in your house of career now, dear Aries. If you have some business or legal situations occurring now, it’s time to fix them. You might need to consult some professional help, but you will be glad you did.
Not only is radical Uranus bringing surprises to you, but the recent lunar eclipse also triggered off your sun too. Even though change isn’t your favorite thing to do, you know that it’s necessary now. Be as bold as you can with these new beginnings.
Your home is calling you now, exciting Gemini. You might have been traveling lately, but now is the time to settle down a bit and look at your surroundings. What needs to be changed? Are you giving some things away? Good!
Relationships will come into focus for you this month. You might even have some past loves that will likely resurface now. Are you ready to let them go or do they still need some work before completion? Do it now and you will feel free.
Last month was quite a time for you, powerful Leo. With two eclipses and Mercury retrograding in your sign, you probably feel like a new person. What did you release? Do you have any little remnants to finish? Do it this month for an easy finish.