CBD infused products are popping up everywhere we look, but none have caught our eye quite like the Los Angeles-based luxury brand Lord Jones. Known for its pain-and-anxiety relieving, mood stabilizing and overall calming properties, CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning the effects stop there (unlike its counterpart, THC). It is also, for those wondering, completely legal.

Lord Jones manufactures a number of different CBD products, from skincare to tinctures, but it’s their handmade confections that stand out the most. Our personal favorite, the gumdrops — shown above in our Dodie Thayer Lettuce Ware bowl — are beautifully packaged in chic boxes.

Just in time for the holidays, the brand introduced two new flavors, Sugarplum and Mango Chili. The limited-edition gumdrops will be available in bright red gift boxes through December.