Photograph courtesy of Gryph & IvyRose


Although wellness has been having a moment for years, supermodel (and super mom) Karolina Kurkova saw a void. Enter Gryph & IvyRose, a children’s line of herbal blends — from elixirs to bath and body products — created with her partners, Rachel Finger and Orion Nevel. In collaboration with Herbal Chief Daniel Atchison-Nevel and Pediatric Medical Guide Dr. Stephen Cowan, the line is formulated with carefully sourced natural ingredients tailored to growing children. Here, we catch up with Kurkova to discuss the driving force behind starting the brand and the lessons she learned along the way.

What inspired the launch of Gryph & IvyRose?
It was a little bit of fate. My partners and I were brought together at the same time, with children around the same ages. We all have a real passion for wellness and wanted to share this knowledge with other parents.

The most exciting part about owning my own business is…
Seeing the brand grow from an idea into something that has a daily impact on the lives of parents and children. So much is happening and we get to see the results of each decision — big and small!

And the most challenging…
Balance! Making sure I am present for my family while balancing work, since starting a business is a 24/7 operation. I wouldn’t call this a challenge as much as an opportunity to prioritize each day and make efficient use of time.

Photograph courtesy of Gryph & IvyRose


What I’ve learned from my co-founders…
From Dr. Cowan, I’ve learned how to better understand my children and make sure they feel safe, confident and empowered. He has taught the entire team great tools for supporting our children.

Orion has taught me about herbs and Chinese medicine on a deeper level. I’ve done acupuncture and used herbs in the past, but now I better understand the benefits and history behind herbal medicine.

And Rachel: She’s a mom and also an entrepreneur. We really inspire and empower each other. She stays busy without sacrificing her family’s well-being and manages a work-life balance. I am so grateful to have partners that I admire and respect, both professionally and personally.

Gryph & IvyRose is about learning from each other. We are figuring out how to build this business together, and striving to educate, empower and inspire other parents and their children.

My advice to would-be entrepreneurs…
Done is better than perfect! Especially in a start-up, things move really fast and you have to be able to make decisions and understand that they might not be permanent. Being flexible and able to adapt, while keeping the big picture in mind, is key.

I embrace ambition by…
Being open to new ideas. I am constantly thirsty for new information and learning opportunities.

The person who inspires me to embrace ambition is…
My husband! We have a lot of the same philosophies when it comes to working. He is constantly reinventing the wheel and creating bigger and better opportunities for the world around him. He’s an inspiration and inspires me to be motivated.

I hope the model I’m setting for my children is…
Kindness, compassion and motivation.