“I spend a lot of time on long flights, and a good playlist is essential to travel. While my boys are always introducing me to new music and my taste is eclectic, I always go back to my favorites – Wyclef, Tupac, Neil Young and Vivaldi to name a few.
In this Music Issue, the editors will be showcasing what’s both classic and as well as brand new. There’s a round up feature of the best new albums to download now — Mark Ronson’s Late Night Feelings, to start — as well as the resurgence of vinyl listening bars that are popping up in New York City, Tokyo and London. This summer marks the half-centennial anniversary of the Woodstock Music Festival, so we’ve asked music supervisor Randall Poster to create a special playlist that pays homage to this magical concert. And this is one of the beautiful things about music: there is constant rediscovery in the classics, as well as exploration in the contemporary” – Tory