Libra (September 23rd – October 23rd)
Happy Birthday, sweet Libra. This will be a powerful time for you because Mars will be in Libra from October 4th until November 17th. Mars will make you strong and give you a louder voice. Your lovely Libra nature is often compromising, but not now. You will have a gentle strength that could stay with you forever, if you want.
You are in luck now, Scorpio. Both Mercury and Venus are in your sign for most of this month. Mercury is about communication and Venus is love. This is the best time to tell your loved ones how much you care. Better yet . . . show them with loving action. Do something extra sweet for them this month. They will love you even more for it.
This month you will feel more social than usual. All the Libra planets are in your house of friends now and will bring parties or fun events now. Focus on your creative buddies and maybe take an art class together. You will be surprised at how you see color and design with new eyes. Are you an artist? This might uncover latent talents in you.
Your power dates this month are October 4th – 7th when the Moon will join the party of planets already in Capricorn. You are feeling driven and focused now because of those slow planets in your sign. The Moon will give your project an even clearer direction. Have business meetings during those days with people of importance.
You will feel like being with friends more during this month. All the planets in Libra are coaxing your independent Aquarius out a bit in the world. You could have an old friend call for a surprise meeting. Or better yet, call an old friend you have been thinking about lately. Have fun!
All these Libra planets are moving through your house of other people’s money. This would be a good month to look at your finances and see if anything needs reorganizing. Are you up for an investment? After doing your due diligence, this might be the time.
The Full Moon will be in your sign of Aries this month on October 15th. That’s on a Sunday night, so the entire weekend will be bathed in moonlight. Make sure you are under the Full Moon to let it shine its good luck on you. This can be like a personal, emotional celebration time. Count your blessings to see how fortunate you are.
Yes, the planet of sudden change, Uranus, is in your sign now and will be with you for a number of years. If you are feeling restless, which is very odd for a Taurus, Uranus is tickling you. This month, both Venus and Mercury are aligning with your Sun to bring you some new ideas regarding the changes in your life. Do not resist change and instead welcome and embrace it.
The planets in Libra, your fellow air sign, are all supporting your Gemini Sun this month. You will feel more creative than normal, so please grab this artistic and abundant energy and use it. Yes, you can do art, but you can also go through your closet or home to spruce it up a bit. A little paint goes a long way to fresh your surroundings. Be playful and light.
The two most family-oriented signs of the Zodiac are Cancer and Libra. With the Sun and other planets in Libra now, this would be a good month for an almost spontaneous family reunion. Not everyone can make it, but that’s ok. It will be precious for the ones who could attend. The Full Moon weekend on October 12th would be a perfect time to howl at the Moon.
Communication is the focus for you this month, Leo. Reach out to those who you are been wanting to talk to but just haven’t made the time to do it. This is the month. Also, you will be extra smart now, so if you want to start that’s in your mind . . . please start. The world needs to see your brilliance and it’s time.
Mars has been in Virgo since August 18th and will leave on October 4th. You have been stronger with the warrior Mars going through your sign and now is the time to wrap up that phase. If there are a few more little things to finish up, please do it now. Do you need to speak your mind still? Don’t hold it in because Mars won’t be in Virgo again for two years. Now is the time.
今月はいつもより友達と過ごしたい気分になるでしょう。天秤座に滞在する惑星達が、独りが好きな水瓶座を少し世の中に引っ張り出すのです。昔の友達から突然会おうと連絡があって驚くかもしれません。もしくは最近気になっていた友人に自分から声をかけてみては? 素敵な時間を過ごして!