Photograph courtesy of Dr. Samantha Boardman.
When the news is keeping us safe but also keeping us up at night, it’s hard to know how to have a healthy relationship with the media. We asked New York-based psychiatrist Dr. Samantha Boardman for her tips on staying informed — while staying sane —  in these extraordinary times.

1. Turn off notifications and digital alerts from news sources on all your devices.

2. Designate a time—either once or twice a day—to get your news fix from an established source, not social media.

3. Read or watch stories that intelligently present digested and reliable information about what has happened.

4. Skip commentary and media that predict what might happen. Listening to pundits and so-called experts weigh in on the future is basically glorified gossip and of little value.  Learn the facts, don’t follow opinions. 

5. Avoid checking news first thing in the morning and before bed. It might hijack your day or interfere with your sleep.