Happy Birthday, Virgo! This is your month to shine, as Mercury joins your sun from September 7th to 10th. You will be smart during this time, so plan to do something intellectually stimulating.
Mars and Saturn are still in your sign of Libra, but Mars leaves on August 24th. Wrap up any relationships that are holding you down by this date and you will finally feel free.
Mars is entering your sign on August 24th and will remain there until October 7th. This is your time to be assertive, powerful and sexy!
The North Node (or the point of destiny) has been in Sagittarius for the last year and a half. It leaves on August 30th, so finish any important projects by then and you will feel complete.
Your power dates are September 4th through 6th when there is a perfect triangle of earth signs in the sky. Plan to complete projects at that time and it will happen easily.
Your power dates are August 29th and 30th, when you will want to be extra independent. Do something unusual during this time in order to feel special. And do it solo!
On August 31st, the full moon will be in your sign. This special moon will provide mystical, spiritual and creative energy for you to use.
Your power dates are September 2nd, 3rd and 4th. You will want to take of the needs of your mother during this time. Give to her unconditionally.
Exert yourself from September 4th to 6th. If you are up for a new exercise regime, these are the days to start.
Generous Jupiter will be in your sign until the end of June 2013. If you have thought about writing a book, now is the best time to start. Try to have it completed by next summer.
Venus is now in your sign until September 5th. Even though you are the caregiver, this is the time to pamper yourself, too.
Venus will enter your sign on September 6th and will remain there until October 2nd. Your power dates are September 11th, 12th and 13th. Dress up and be social on these days.