Writing a book is a feat on its own, but publishing more than 100 books? Herculean. Best-selling author Danielle Steel has published a truly staggering number of novels, often working on several books at a time.
Daddy’s Girls — Steel’s latest book, which follows the lives of three sisters in California grappling with the recent loss of their father — released in June, debuting on The NY Times Best Seller List at #2, and her next summer read, Royal, launches in August. Steel spoke with Tory Daily about her writing process and proudest achievements.
Best advice I’ve given to my children…
Always, always be honest, but kind, and trust your instincts (about everything).
I’m most proud of…
I am most proud of my children.
What inspires you to write so many books per year…
I’ve always written several books a year, and worked on several at once. It seems to be my natural writing rhythm.
Most re-read book in my collection…
The Bible.
My favorite place to write…
Anywhere, wherever my typewriter is, or I have a yellow legal pad. I always keep one on hand!!
My go to snack when I’m writing…
Dark bittersweet chocolate. I always have a big bar on hand when I’m writing (and a small one in my purse!!) I live on it!!
Dogs or cats…
Dogs!! Especially my 3 teacup Chihuahuas who travel everywhere with me. (I’m violently allergic to cats).
Favorite tv show to binge watch…
Old re-runs of Downton Abbey.
Favorite restaurants…
La Grenouille in New York, and L’Avenue and La Fontaine de Mars in Paris.
Favorite character from your two summer books…
I love the three daughters/sisters in Daddy’s Girls and their relationship to each other. And I love Princess Charlotte in Royal, and her VERY honorable decent stepfather.