Tory and B.U. student Morgan on what they learned and the power of a summer internship.
Tory Burch
CEO and Designer
Interns are important because…
They are the next generation of leaders — it’s important to mentor them and give them working experience. Likewise, they bring a great perspective and fresh ideas to the table.
Internships are important because…
You will be exposed to so many different kinds of roles and positions that you might not have even known existed before your internship.
My internships taught me…
I interned at Christie’s, working in the Chinese Art department — I’m still inspired by the artists and styles I learned about then. There are elements of chinoiserie in our Fall collection!
Morgan Stukes
Boston University
This was my dream summer job because…
I have always loved the brand. It is an amazing experience to be on the other side of the brand and see what goes into the actual creation of something, like the Tory tunic.
The most important thing I’ve learned so far…
I am a true believer in Tory’s mantra of “grace under pressure.” After hearing her say it the first time we interns met her, I have carried it with me and applied it to everything I do.
The best thing about being an intern…
Being able to have the flexibility to work with any team. When you’re hired in the workforce, you won’t have the opportunity to see how every aspect of your company works.