New York City’s first Chief Digital Officer and a lucky tech-savvy
intern are helping technology keep the city connected.
Rachel Haot
New York City, Chief Digital Officer
Advice I give to interns…
Work hard, and you’ll gain more responsibility and bigger projects as you prove you can manage the smaller tasks.
The best interns always…
Take the initiative. When interns prepare and follow up proactively, it helps our office to run efficiently.
If I could intern anywhere, I’d intern…
At a yoga ashram in India.
Luis Palacios
New York University, Student
This was my dream summer job because…
I’ve always been interested in how technology is transforming today’s cities, and working at NYC Digital has been the perfect place to experience that change.
The most important thing I’ve learned so far…
No task is too small; you’ll always be learning something if you’re smart about it.
The best thing about being an intern…
The people you meet. Not only did I get to be part of an amazing team, but I also got to know a lot of interesting people in both the tech industry and city government.