Happy Birthday, Scorpio. This is going to be a powerful birthday month for you since Mercury is still retrograde in your sign until it turns direct on November 3rd. You have probably already started to make the deep changes, but make sure you finish it by early November. Let go and release the old so you can reinvent yourself. What a grand birthday present!
This is the month for you to look at your life in a totally new way. Are you ready to change what you’ve been doing to start something new? If the answer is yes, you are on the right path. Now is your chance to jump ship and start fresh. You know you are ready for it. What is stopping you?
Are you tired of everyone talking about Capricorn? Well, the focus will be on Aquarius soon and you will mostly be out of the limelight. Both Jupiter and Saturn leave Capricorn in mid-December, so you have a couple of good months to complete your transition. You have been working at it for some time and it is finally coming to and end. Are you ready to finish?
Are you feeling the winds of change whipping around you, Aquarius? The infamous Capricorn Party will be changing into the Aquarius Party mid-December and for the year of 2021. Plan for meaningful holidays this year, because you will be in a totally different place than you were last year. How many things can you change in 2021? Be prepared and ready for a new beginning because it’s right around the corner.
You might be a little sleepier than normal the last week in October. If you can, try to channel that feeling into art, music or creativity. The artiste in you wants to emerge. Is that yoga class calling you? Active meditation just might be your best bet now, or just take a nap.
You are being awakened by Mars moving through Aries now. On September 10th, Mars will turn retrograde until November 14th. This is the best time for you to release old patterns of behavior, especially around impatience or anger issues. Do you lose your temper and regret it later? Then stop it! All kidding aside, it will become very apparent to you that those actions are no longer necessary.
The Full Moon this month will be in Taurus on October 31st which is Halloween! Masks will take on an entirely new meaning this Halloween. It will be interesting to see how creative people will become with the theme of the pandemic. Personally, celebrate this Full Moon by becoming the very best version of yourself. Even if it is only a costume, it will stimulate personal growth no matter what.
Your sign of Gemini has planets going through its house of creativity this month. If you are doing art or writing projects, this is the month to push them along. You will be surprised at how artistic and brilliant you are. You shouldn’t be surprised because Gemini is brilliant even on an off day. This is your time to shine.
This is a strong relationship month for you, dear Cancer. It will involve not only your main relationship, but also your family and even your extended family. Plan for Thanksgiving and Holiday festivities early as there might be some who need more help than others this year.
This is the month for you to reevaluate your routines around health. Are you ready to shed a few pounds or start working out with a buddy or trainer? This is your month to start. Set a schedule for yourself and don’t cheat . . . even once. You will be proud to see the results because of sticking to your plan. They will show right away for some instant gratification.
The Capricorn planets are moving through your house of creativity now. Usually, Virgo isn’t the sign of creativity or art, but you could challenge that theory now by sprucing things up. If you have a small project that can beautify your home or surroundings, why not do it? Now is the time.
Venus, your planet or love and beauty, will be traveling through Libra from October 28th until November 21st. Now is definitely the time to do some selfcare or pampering. Can you schedule a spa day? Maybe a mani, pedi and massage is just what you need after this almost unbearable lockdown.
天秤座の支配星であり愛と美を司る金星が、10月28日から11月21日まで天秤座に滞在します。今月はセルフケアをして、自分を甘やかしてあげましょう。スパの予約をしてみては?自宅で過ごす時間が多かった期間を経た今、マニキュア & ペディキュアに、マッサージで自分にご褒美を!