In Gabriel Orozco’s hands, the everyday becomes utterly compelling and visually intriguing. After all, this is the artist who held a 1994 gallery show featuring four Dannon yogurt lids pinned to the wall — and it was a success.
His new exhibit at the Guggenheim (Nov. 9 – Jan. 13) works a similar transformative sensibility. Gabriel Orozco: Asterisms features a ton of debris gathered from an AstroTurf field at Pier 40 in New York (Gabriel throws boomerangs there) and Mexican wildlife reserve Isla Arena. He has organized it all into two grid-like installations, by color, size and material. Just check out the colorful landscape above. It’s pretty incredible when you consider you’re looking at, well, trash.
Sandstars, 2012 by Gabriel Orozco
© 2012 Gabriel Orozco. Photo by Mathias Schormann