Hard-working and ambitious, Capricorns make dreams their reality. While we enjoy the warmth and comfort of the holidays, the arrival of this earth sign (December 22-January 19) encourages us to keep moving. First, astrologer and Tory Daily contributor Susie Cox will show us the way.
Happy Birthday, Capricorn. You have a lot to celebrate this birthday month, because the group of Capricorn planets that have been pressuring you is now breaking up! Both Jupiter and Saturn just entered Aquarius. Celebrate all the accomplishments you have recently completed! You can relax a tiny bit.
We are now entering a phase of Aquarius. Both Jupiter and Saturn entered Aquarius on December 21st. New beginnings have already started in your life and will get stronger soon. Focus on exactly what you want and this is likely the time it will appear. There is magic in the air for you, lucky Aquarius. Use this opportunity!
Your planet, Neptune, is moving through your sign of Pisces now and is about halfway through. You are now in a long phase in your life that will heighten your intuition, inner beliefs, creativity and a spiritual deepening. This is your time to become the best version of yourself. Blossom, dear Pisces.
Your planet, Mars, has been moving through your sign of Aries for months and I know it hasn’t been too much fun. To add to the stress, Mars did a retrograde in Aries too. You might have felt held back, but that is all changing now. Mars will leave Aries and enter Taurus on January 7th. Congratulate yourself for making it through that tough time and doing so well, Aries!
Get ready for a burst of energy, Taurus. Dynamic Mars will be in your sign of Taurus from January 7th through March 4th. This is the perfect time to start a new venture. Are you ready for a new career or a new phase in your life? Now is the time to move forward for success.
The last few days of 2020 is your power time, Gemini. What a great time to officially release this last trying year to welcome in the new year of 2021. Guaranteed it will be a good year for you. Writing and communications are favored. Do you have a book to write?
The Full Moon is in your sign of Cancer on December 29th. Have a little party and celebrate with comfort food in a cozy environment. Invite your loved ones and show them how much you care. Communicative Mercury is involved with this Full Moon, so write everyone little love notes. They will cherish them forever.
The Moon will be in Leo on New Years Eve. What a perfect time to dress up and celebrate with your good friends. You have permission to be over the top with this holiday. After this terribly long lockdown, you are ready to shine. Let your hair down and have raucous fun in Leo style.
The first week of 2021 will have the Moon going through Virgo. This is your time, if you haven’t already done it, to organize your plans for the new year. Make a good Virgo To-Do List that you can actually accomplish. Only list your most important projects and not the entire grocery list.
You will feel different about relationships this month, dear Libra. There is a hidden independence streak surfacing now. Not that you are ending any relationships, you are just reacting to them in a new way. Your voice is stronger and you are learning how to use it. You are being compelled to speak up now.
The second week of the new year will bring the private side of you more into the light. Your Sun is aligning with Mars and you will feel an extra surge of energy during that time. The question is . . . how are you going to use it? If you are in the mood to be more public, now is your chance. Or not.
This is a lucky phase for you, Sag. The benevolent planet Venus is in your sign until January 7th. Be generous with yourself during these holidays. Maybe Santa can bring you something special. What is your dream present? Just ask Santa.
2021年の第1週に、月が乙女座を通過します。乙女座のラッキーウィークです。まだ新年の計画を立てていないなら、この週に取り組んでみて。達成が叶いそうな、乙女座らしいTo Doリストを作りましょう。詰め込みすぎず、重要なプロジェクトだけをリストアップするのがオススメです。
射手座の皆さん、幸運期の到来です。慈愛の星 金星が、1月7日まで射手座に滞在します。ホリデーシーズンには自分にご褒美をあげてみては。もしかすると、サンタクロースが特別な贈り物をくれるかも。今一番欲しいものは何ですか?サンタさんにお願いしてみましょう。