We’re finally in the water sign of Pisces (February 18th – March 20th). Astrology expert Susie Cox tells us what to expect.
Happy Birthday, Pisces! You have an incredible birthday month because half of the planets are currently in your sign. I’m calling it the Pisces Party. You’ll be shining brightly without even trying.
The moon and Mars both enter your sign of Aries on March 11th. Your boldness and feisty nature will be very strong then. Use it wisely.
Now is the time for you to take care of the unfinished business in your life. What needs to get put to rest? This is the month to tackle it.
Jupiter is in your sign of Gemini until June 26th. If you are doing any writing projects, make sure they’re done by that time. Creativity is flowing through you now.
You have two magical dates this month which are both perfect for a party or a gathering of friends and family. The first is February 22nd and the other is March 20th.
Your power dates this month are February 23rd and 24th. Money issues could emerge on those dates, which were hidden until now.
The full moon is in your sign of Virgo this month, on February 25th. We have a Pisces Party of planets now, so this full moon will feel dreamier than the typical Virgo style.
On February 28th, you will not be in the mood to be social. But talk yourself into it and you will actually have a lot of fun — and you might even meet new friends!
Wow! March 2nd and 3rd are incredibly powerful money days for you. Trust your intuition and it could be a windfall.
If you’re in the mood for a quick trip, March 3rd, 4th and 5th are your dates. Go somewhere you’ve never been before. Be adventurous!
Your sign is the brilliant business mind of the entire zodiac. Your power dates of March 6th and 7th are the days to successfully switch some of your assets to a new financial vehicle.
Venus leaves your sign of Aquarius on February 26th. See if you can squeeze in as much spa pampering as you can before that date.