Find out what to expect now that we’re in the earth sign of Taurus (April 19th – May 20th), courtesy of astrology expert Susie Cox.
Happy Birthday, sensual Taurus! The romantic planets, Mars and Venus, are in your sign now. This is your month to feel love, so enjoy all the attention you’re going to receive.
The expansive planet Jupiter has been in your sign for the last year and is leaving Gemini and entering Cancer on June 26th. This is the push time to finish your writing or creative projects — I’m sure you know what I mean.
Cancer is the sign of family, food and especially mothers. Your power date this month is May 13th. After I chose your date, I then realized it was close to Mother’s Day. So that is the absolutely perfect day for a close family gathering.
Your power dates this month are May 16th and 17th. You will be the strongest on these days to handle conflicts with authority figures. Plan for important meetings on those days.
Virgo is the sign of detail and perfection. The best days this month for you to make a project even more perfect are May 18th and 19th. It will feel effortless on those dates.
Libra is the sign of sociability and May 21st is your best day this month to gather with good friends. Get a little dressed up and have a party.
The full moon in Scorpio this month is also a lunar eclipse, which lands on April 25th. An eclipse will add to the mystery already associated with Scorpio. Your energy will be sultry and private.
You will be particularly brilliant on April 27th and 28th. Complicated ideas and concepts will suddenly become clear for you, so you can finally move forward.
Capricorn is one of the signs of money. Your incredible power dates to do financial dealings or negotiations are April 29th and 30th. You don’t want to miss these magical dates, so plan the money meetings now.
Your power dates this month are May 1st and 2nd. You will feel like changing everything up on those days, so you might want to plan for a couple of days of upheaval.
Your sign is one of the most psychic of all the signs of the zodiac. On May 3rd, you will be so open to the universal flow that you will be majorly psychic. Be prepared, so you’re not shaken if you see or hear things.
Aries is one of the most outspoken of all the signs of the zodiac. You will want to take on the world on May 6th. Count to ten, choose your fights carefully and you’ll probably win.