Cornelia Guest photographed by Bruce Weber

What was the legendary C.Z. Guest like to those who knew her intimately? Her daughter Cornelia gives us an up-close-and-personal glimpse at the fashion icon she knew simply as “mummy.”

On Mothers Day…

I would always make or find cute cards for my mother; she loved them. We’d have breakfast, go riding and then walk through the garden.

Having C.Z. Guest for a mother was…

Always interesting! There was never a dull moment and we loved to play tricks on each other!

My favorite memory of my mother…

Eating fudge with her. We both loved it and she would hide it under her bed so I couldn’t find it. And listening to her talk about my father — she loved to tell stories about him.

Our perfect day together was usually spent…

Taking a long ride with all the dogs and then coming in, having a lovely lunch and watching or going to the movies. In the winter we would curl up in front of the fire and watch horror movies. We both loved them. Our favorite was The Omen — the original one with Gregory Peck!

The best life advice my mother ever gave me…

If you fall off, get right back on. It was an old riding tip but perfect for life.

And her best style advice…

Keep it simple, which sometimes I didn’t listen to, but now I do!

She always said the secret to having a beautiful garden was…

Planting lots of things that you love, like to look at, have in your house and love to eat! I love berries so I lined all my paddocks with tons of berry bushes. It looks beautiful and after dinner in the summer we go up and pick our dessert!

Best entertaining advice she ever gave me…

Two things: Don’t seat married people together and never wait for anyone to sit down. If they are late, they are late — but don’t wait!

One thing people didn’t know about my mother…

She loved to play practical jokes on people. We would scheme for days on the things we would do to each other and had a ball with unsuspecting guests!

A quiet night at home with my mom meant…

Very competitive games of gin rummy and dinner surrounded by our dogs. In the summer we loved to sit outside and eat the delicious veggies we had grown. A simple pasta with fresh tomatoes and basil was a favorite, followed by a sorbet made with berries — all from our garden.

The items from her wardrobe I always loved to dress up in as a little girl…

I always loved her gloves. I have no clue why, but I still love gloves and collect them.

The perfect Mother’s Day meal…

Asparagus soup, vegetarian shepherd’s pie, grilled pita bread with butter and vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce — her favorite.

And table décor…

We both love the look and smell of roses — lots of them in Dodie Thayer [ceramic] cabbages — and old Porthault linens from both my grandmothers.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mummy…. I miss you!