Artist Rosaria Pugliese, wearing the Tory tunic here, has two daughters in the fashion industry — Reed Krakoff’s Sales Director Bianca Dueñas (left, in the Izzy jean) and Elle’s Accessories Director
Maria Dueñas Jacobs (in the Polina sweater) — so we know that creativity runs in the family.
But what else? Find out in our quick-fire with the trio.
- What are your Mother’s Day traditions?
BD: When we aren’t together we send her a care package filled with pensierini,
which means “little thoughts” in Italian. My brother, sister and I like to
pick funny cards and each contribute a little something.
MDJ: Taking my mom out to brunch with my brother and sister.
RP: Being together, walking during the day and having lunch in a bright place.
- One lesson you’ve learned from each other?
BD: Too many to count. Being compassionate is probably one of the better ones.
MDJ: Be patient, breathe and think things through before I react.
RP: Be more open in my views.
- First fashion memory?
BD: My mom used to dress up my sister and me in matching (but not identical) outfits. We both actually really loved it until about middle school, which is sort of embarrassing. She used to put us in canvas sundresses with matching striped espadrilles one day and denim overalls with construction boots the next. We were lucky.
MDJ: Dressing up in coordinating Eighties outfits with my sister.
RP: My first golden shoes when I was five.
- Print of choice?
BD: Stripes and Liberty prints.
MDJ: Stripes, polka dots and anything with a cat print!
RP: I don’t like prints on me.
- Go-to shoe?
BD: Reed Krakoff ankle boots and gray canvas Supergas for summer.
MDJ: Tabitha Simmons shoes — they are so chic and comfortable!
RP: Ballerinas
- And handbag?
BD: Reed Krakoff gym bag for everything.
MDJ: I adore Reed Krakoff bags. They are super-luxe but never too busy.
RP: Non-leather Stella McCartney.
- The one fashion piece you can’t live without?
BD: Beautiful lingerie. It makes me feel good about any outfit.
MDJ: Handbags and jewelry are my weakness.
RP: Leggings
- To flip flop…or not?
BD: Only on the beach.
MDJ: On the beach — yes, for sure!
RP: Not so much.
- Must-have beauty item?
BD: Moisturizer
MDJ: Moroccan oil for my hair.
RP: Concealer
- Lipstick of choice?
BD: Ravenous by Tom Ford
MDJ: Medieval by Lipstick Queen
RP: Natural
- Your ultimate design icon?
BD: Picasso
MDJ: Miuccia Prada
RP: Zaha Hadid
- If money was no object and you could own
one piece of artwork, what would it be?
BD: Anything from In Paul Klee’s Enchanted Garden.
MDJ: A Klimt! His pieces are so beautiful; it’s like staring into fire.
RP: Louise Bourgeois or a small John Chamberlain.
- Hidden talent?
BD: Word games
MDJ: Yoga
RP: Cooking
- Favorite summer getaway?
BD: Key Biscayne and anything on the Amalfi Coast.
MDJ: Parrot Cay in Turks and Caicos and weekend visits to Miami to see my mom.
RP: Any faraway and exotic place.
- Word you most overuse?
BD: No
MDJ: Amazing
RP: Anyway
photographed by Mimi Ritzen Crawford