Astrology expert Susie Cox reveals what we can expect now that we’re in the air sign of Gemini (May 20th – June 20th).
Happy birthday, brilliant Gemini! All of this month is excellent for you, because there are so many planets in your sign. Celebrate on May 28th, since both Jupiter and Venus join in Gemini that day. Big celebration!
The sign of Cancer is the most family oriented of them all. You have a truly magical power date this month, which is June 9th. This really is an amazing day for you — please plan ahead for a gathering or a family reunion.
Your power dates this month are June 12th and 13th. Do something very unusual on those days — something that scares you, just a little. Once the adrenaline rush is over, you will realize how brave and powerful you are.
Virgos like to be stable, so don’t feel bad if you are unusually confused on June 14th. It’s perfect, as you will see, and will all make sense on June 15th.
Libra loves to have evening soirées. Your successful dates to have an elegant party are May 20th and 21st. Invite a diverse group of friends who might not know each other, and watch the magic happen. It’s a networking time for you.
Scorpio is one of the best signs for money and strategic planning for success. Your best money dates this month are May 22nd and 23rd. Meet with your financial advisors.
The full moon is in your sign of Sagittarius on May 24th. It’s not just a normal full moon, but an eclipse of the moon. Since the eclipse is in your sign, take control and change your life as much as possible.
Capricorn is the executive of the zodiac. On May 27th, you will be ready to finally tackle some tough situations that have been bothering you for a long time.
Your power dates this month are May 29th and 30th. Aquarius is the sign of the genius and you will be extra brilliant on those days. Public speaking or communication is favored.
As a Pisces you are naturally intuitive. The planets lines up in a mystical, spiritual triangle on May 31st and you will be in a dream world. Plan to get a spiritual healing or a massage on that day.
Aries is the warrior and the hero of the zodiac and are fast and courageous. On June 2nd, your hero will shine and be a model for others.
Taurus isn’t typically the most emotional of the signs, but on June 4th, you might feel sensitive and want to be alone and contemplative. It’s perfect, because on June 5th, you will apply in your life what you realized the day before.