Marisa Berenson
“[Beauty] has more to do with someone’s aura than with specific features. It’s something that comes out of people and surrounds them and is in their personality and part of their soul.”
Loulou de la Falaise
“Some women are totally professional about beauty. They don’t drink, smoke, they take vitamins by the handful. If you can be bothered to live that kind of life…you know it works.”
Faye Dunaway
“The best thing [for beauty] is to be happy. I think the greater your measure of personal happiness, the more it shows physically.”
Jerry Hall
“If I have a pimple or something, I don’t bring attention to it. I just put on more makeup and cross my fingers.”
Lauren Hutton
“I always think of myself as being a cross between an ostrich and an antelope. Sometimes I’m very graceful and other times I’m really awkward.”
“[My mother] said, ‘The best compliment anyone can pay you is to tell you that you are a beautiful person inside.'”
Bianca Jagger
“[Diana Vreeland is] beautiful because she’s not only just herself — she’s unique. There are no two Diana Vreelands in the world; there is only one.”
Elsa Peretti
“I think energy is beauty — a Ferrari with an empty tank doesn’t run.”
Lee Radziwill
“Beauty is spirit. It is timeless. Compassion, wit, serenity and enthusiasm are qualities which make beauty life-enhancing. It’s a style of character.”