Astrology expert Susie Cox tells us what to expect as we approach the water sign of Scorpio (October 22nd – November 21st).
Happy Birthday, Scorpio! Mercury is retrograding this time in Scorpio from now until November 11th. Now is your time to define who you are more clearly by looking deeply inside.
Venus has been in Sagittarius this last entire month. Did you pamper yourself? If not, schedule a luxurious treat before November 5th, when that planet of beauty leaves Sagittarius.
After Venus leaves Sagittarius, it then enters your sign of Capricorn, on November 5th. Treat yourself to something special. Maybe you will buy that piece of art you’ve been wanting.
Your independent nature will likely upset an authority figure on November 8th and 9th. Only take on projects when you can be the boss.
Being a Pisces, you understand things on a deep, inner level. Your natural talent for intuition will be strongest on November 10th when you will see things in a new light.
Your power dates are November 12th and 13th when you will likely change your mind and resolve a sticky situation. Be strong and know you’re right.
The full moon is in your sign of Taurus on November 17th. Since this only happens once a year, see it as a special time just for you. You know you want to…give yourself an extra special treat.
Mercury is the planet assigned to Gemini. With Mercury doing a retrograde now, you can use it to edit your life and let go of anything you want to release. Do it before November 11th.
Jupiter is such a fortunate planet and it is going through your sign now and will be for quite a while. Use this positive cycle to get what you want in family and finance.
The sign of Leo knows it are in charge. On October 27th, there might be a conflict between you and someone who thinks the opposite. Stay cool.
Mars is now in your sign of Virgo and will remain there until December 8th. What a perfect combination to prepare for the holidays in a timely and organized fashion.
Your power dates are November 10th and 11th. Plan a holiday gathering with friends or family and everyone will have a great time.