Happy Lunar New Year! We checked in with astrology expert Susie Cox
on what 2014, under the Chinese zodiac, brings.
In Chinese astrology, the speedy horse is associated with freedom, leadership and passion. The dragon and horse are believed to be the most auspicious of all the animals. The dragon is the best flyer in the sky and the horse is the fastest runner on earth. The horse is so fast that it is associated with traveling, exciting adventures and unexpected romance. Being very competitive and victory are the destiny of the horse.
“In Chinese astrology, the five elements are metal, water, wood, fire and earth. Each year, the animals change, but the elements continue for two consecutive years. For example, this year is the Wood Horse and next year will be the Wood Sheep.
“The element of wood calms down the impetuous nature of the horse and makes this version of the horse more determined and less impulsive than the Fire Horse, for example. The magical Wood Horse has supernatural powers and it can even fly. It’s also strong, even heroic in battle, and usually wins.
“So what can we expect for the Lunar New Year 2014? Wood Horse years are typically seen as fortunate years that bring good luck and unexpected opportunities. This year will bring sudden victories, long-distance journeys and new adventures only available because of the horse’s magical powers.
“How can we use the new energy of the Lunar New Year to benefit each of us? Since horse years are considered lucky and bring good things to us, be bold this year. Take that long exotic trip that you have been dreaming about your entire life. This is the year for adventure. Open a business that would feed your soul and it could actually happen and be successful this year. But since the horse can be impulsive and run wildly with a full gallop, make sure it’s really want you want to do and that it’s not just a whim. Enjoy this exciting year with the zest of a horse that is running full-speed ahead.”
— Susie Cox