We caught up with the twosome behind Jean Stories to talk spring trends and one memorable fashion moment.

The big spring trend in jeans…

Florence Kane: People will be thinking outside of the skinny-jean box. I think the cropped flare is going to be popular.

And you can style that look with…
FK: Sneakers or flats.

We’re seeing a return to…
Jane Herman Bishop: Blue — and we’re so excited about this. All the colors and plaids were getting a little bit exhausting. Now we’re seeing all these beautiful blues and gorgeous washes in every shade of blue.

A little denim Did You Know
JHB: There are incredible innovations in distressing — they’re using lasers now, which is incredible to see. The process doesn’t require water or human labor the way sandblasting does.
FK: There are companies that have people wear jeans for a few months or even years. Then they give the jeans back to the brand, which then uses lasers to emulate the look of “worn-in” jeans.

What’s next in the denim scene…
JHB: Everyone is trying to find new ways to innovate and differentiate one jean from another, in a way that’s not about a print. It’s all about new fits — like new kinds of slouchy, skinny, high-rise, loose-leg — or little details, like zippers, patches, distressing or really big cuffs. Even the way you style your jeans has become really important, in order to make the blue really unique.

A memorable fashion anecdote…
JHB: We were working at Vogue and Sally [Singer] invited us to get sushi on Irving Place with Virginia Smith, Hamish Bowles and Filipa Fino. It was before the Marc Jacobs show, the year he decided to start on time. We were having a really nice time and then…
FK: Grace [Coddington] either texted or emailed Hamish that the show was about to start. We were like, what?! And we ran…
JHB: It was one of those nights where the city looked really beautiful and… we were all running full speed through Gramercy Park in all of our “looks.”
FK: We must have looked insane. But we made it, right?
JHB: I still have anxiety when I think about it.