The soul of discretion, Bunny Mellon (real name Rachel) probably would have bristled
at the current auction of her jewels, interiors and artwork, held at Sotheby’s. But for those who knew her, or of her, it was a rare treat. The American horticulturist and philanthropist once quipped, “nothing should be noticed.” She was talking about what makes a garden perfect, of course, but it may as well have been a comment about how she lived her life. She created some of the most beautiful and famous gardens in the world, like the White House’s Rose Garden, and restored one at Versailles. But it was her own sprawling personal Eden, Oak Springs Farm in Virginia, that anyone with a green thumb or an eye for fine art knew about. This series of auctions offers a rare glimpse into her beautiful, manicured world, from collections of cabbage and lettuce ware to modern art. Above, a look into Oak Springs Farm and the auction.

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