The good doctor shares some life lessons she wished she learned in high school.
They’re sound words of advice for both recent grads and longtime alums. For the full list, click here.
- Anything can look like a failure in the middle.
- Soulmates are created, not found.
- Ignore the advice “follow your passion.”
Rather, cultivate passion in whatever you do. - There are no shortcuts.
- Multi-tasking is a myth, so actively choose
what you want to pay attention to. - Take good care of your body. Treat it
like a temple, not a bodega. - Cherish your relationships.
- Never stop learning. Always think of
yourself as a mentor and a mentee. - Give for the sake of giving.
- Happiness is a choice.
Read Dr. Samantha Boardman’s tips on rethinking time management.
Samantha Boardman MD
Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry and Public Health
Assistant Attending Psychiatrist
Weill Cornell Medical College